Dejero connectivity ensures reliable live streaming of new Guinness world record
Dejero and Montreal-based multi-media production company, Scratch Takes, were behind the successful live streaming of a new world record attempt for the highest number of caber tosses in one hour during the 45th annual Montreal Highland Games earlier this month; despite limited onsite network con
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Francois Vaillant joins Dejero
Dejero has appointed Francois Vaillant as its new senior technical product manager.
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Dejero App reduces streaming costs in schools
Dejero has enabled The Lovett School in Atlanta, USA to deliver its live sports event broadcasts despite the many safety protocols in place due to the ongoing pandemic.
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Dejero announces successful minority recapitalisation to accelerate growth
Dejero, an innovator in resilient connectivity for critical communications, has announced a $60 million minority recapitalisation of the business, led by Vertu Capital.
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Dejero solves latency challenges for virtual diving competitions
Diving Plongeon Canada (DPC), a not-for-profit organisation promoting the growth and awareness of springboard and tower diving across Canada, has been organising virtual meets, powered by Dejero EnGo mobile transmitters and WayPoint receivers, to reduce the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
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Dejero keeps Ironman Australia connected in challenging conditions
Dejero, an innovator in cloud-managed solutions that provide Emmy award winning video transport and Internet connectivity while mobile or in remote locations, recently provided five HEVC capable EnGo mobile transmitters and a 4-channel WayPoint receiver to Next Up Digital, for the 8-camera remote
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