Broadpeak, a leading provider of content delivery network (CDN) and video streaming solutions for content providers and pay-TV operators worldwide, has announced that Israel's leading telecommunications company, Cellcom, has upgraded its Cellcom TV service with a new multiscreen video delivery architecture powered by Broadpeak solutions. Launched in 2014, Cellcom TV has become Israel's leading OTT service with over 250,000 households currently subscribed nationwide. Broadpeak's nanoCDN multicast ABR and analytics solutions allow Cellcom to deliver its live video service to hundreds of thousands of simultaneous viewers on a wide range of devices, while guaranteeing a superior quality of experience (QoE) and reducing delivery costs.
Broadpeak's nanoCDN solution relies on a software agent installed inside the home gateways of Cellcom subscribers. The agent receives and translates multicast streams into unicast, drastically reducing delivery costs and allowing the operator to avoid costly unicast traffic peaks in the network. To provide the highest QoE possible, Broadpeak's nanoCDN solution incorporates automated retransmission in case of packet loss. In addition, Cellcom is using a comprehensive analytics solution from Broadpeak. For each streaming session, the solution enables the operator to detect potential bottlenecks on access and core networks as well as oversee subscribers' QoE, providing critical information such as the bitrates streamed and the layer switches.
"We are proud to partner on this project with Cellcom, a market leader in television services and an early adopter of innovative technologies," said Jacques Le Mancq, CEO at Broadpeak. "Through the power of multicast ABR, nanoCDN is helping to make live OTT video delivery to any device truly scalable for Cellcom, while enhancing QoE for their subscribers. The versatility of ABR supercharged with the scalability of multicast is a winning combination."