The IABM has announced the results of its biennial election of board directors. The number of elected member companies represented on the board was increased from 15 to 20 following the unanimous approval of a special resolution at IABM’s AGM on 22 July 2021 to ‘widen representation and better reflect the level of diversity in IABM’s membership: including, for example, representational diversity in size of company, regions in which members are based, type of company and gender diversity’.
The IABM is owned by its members, and the board is both made up of members and voted for by members. Full details of the new board can be found on the IABM website.
“We had a record 28 high quality nominations for Members’ Board seats this year, and I would like to thank everyone who put themselves forward for election,” said IABM CFO and company secretary, Lucinda Meek. “I’m looking forward to working with this inspirational group of people to guide IABM’s strategy and activities over the next two years so that we can deliver even more value to our members worldwide.”
Peter White, IABM CEO, said: “Firstly, I extend a warm welcome to all our board members, new and returning, and am very much looking forward to working with them to keep our association vibrant, ever-more relevant and supportive of members’ needs. I am delighted that the members voted for expansion of their board. Over the last few years, we have seen a massive transformation in the industry, with innovative, new businesses across a much wider spectrum of technologies and operations springing up alongside more established companies, which have themselves successfully embraced change. The new members’ board really reflects this diversity; I am excited and energised by the wide range of experience, new thinking and energy it will bring to all IABM’s activities.”